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Monday, June 9, 2014

Teaching, summer, and schoolwork

After many, many years of an office job that I could not stand I quit my job in January to get ready to teach full-time.  I started substituting to see which grade I liked best and have figured that 3rd to 5th grade would be a good fit for me.  I will be doing my student teaching in August and then hopefully will pass my exams and find a good full-time permanent teaching position.  I’m still having to finish up a few school related tasks before August, but hopefully I’ll hit all my deadlines and roll into my student teaching as smoothly as possible.

That being said, I’ve pretty much taken the summer off.  I realize that I am truly blessed to be able to have this opportunity and am trying to take full advantage of it.  I’m calling this my “year of service” and am trying to take better care of my family while finding some time for myself.  I do have to bring in just a bit of money, so I’m doing the virtual assistant thing for a couple of companies and it’s been freeing to be able to do the things I need and want while still earning a little bit to round out the family budget. 

Hope everyone enjoys their summer!!!

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