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Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Final One

Today is Kels’ last high school ARD meeting. When I was mentally going through my schedule in the shower this morning this particular appointment hit me like a ton of bricks and I began to cry. This is a milestone, you know. There were points throughout the last few years where I had serious doubts as to whether or not this beautiful, young woman of mine would get the opportunity to “walk the stage” for her graduation. Oh, no doubt – I always envisioned her with a bright and productive future. Always. But high school graduation didn’t play a part in it – possibly a GED or an alternative certification. But a high school diploma? Not likely when the surgeries were coming as fast and furious as the seizures. Or when most of every year of high school has been missed due to health issues associated with a diagnosis of epilepsy such as hers. In just a few short months, however, my daughter will proudly walk the stage, take her hard-earned diploma and move on to the next stage. And the final step begins with today’s ARD to ensure that she can stroll proudly to that moment.

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